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approaching retirement

Approaching Retirement

These are often your peak earning years.
You should have little to no debt, including your mortgage, credit cards and lines of credit. Your children should be self-sufficient or close to it, which means you do not have the extra expenses associated with raising children. These are the years when you see a big drop in your monthly expenses so you can focus on really sacking away for the retirement you envision. This is the ideal situation.
Some may not be in the ideal financial situation yet.
Life gets in the way with possible setbacks such as divorce, inconsistent career path, family needs and unfortunate financial decisions. If you have overspent in the past, it is time to buckle down and make up for it. However, it is not too late but never too early, to get your finances in order.
This is when it is crucial to have a financial advisor that will help you correct the wrongs and encourage the right things that you have done along the way.
This is also a time when you should consider consolidating your assets with one advisor so they can quarterback your retirement plan. An advisor needs a different skillset to properly assist clients into and through retirement, than when the goal was just simply to save for the future.
The future is now!
We are here to discuss the strategies we use to maximize investment growth, while protecting what is needed in the near to mid-term future.


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